Voice Of Fire Podcast



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Darkness In The Light


Mad Man In Waco

Waiting So Long

WAR Music


Book Of Daniel

HEAR THESE SONGS ON MySpace.com and Download to your own MySpace Layouts!

War Music, Instrumental, Waiting So Long, Adam, and Mad Man In Waco
By David Koresh on MySpace Music

Sheshonahim and Book Of Daniel
By David Koresh on MySpace Music

UPDATE, March 28th, 2009, 11:53 p.m.

Well, this site has certainly been up longer than I anticipated.
Soon, I may be removing the public Link however. I will keep the
files loaded and links live, but I may remove public Access as the
files will soon be hosted on another site, and I wish to show solidarity
to support the same.

As you can see, I have slowly begun the process of adding commentaries
to each of the sermons. This was more for my reference as
there were certain things David said which I wished to be able
to more easily re-access, VERBATIM, but it became clear recently
these commentaries may be of benefit to others as well.
Currently this is on the back burner, not for long, but for now.
Please check back from time to time to see updated info.
-Steven Benjamin

JULY 27, 2008
Well this site is finally being updated. I am removing the links currently
on here, and replacing them with those placed on the Mt. Carmel Discussion board.
May be found in weekly installments on The Mt. Carmel Discussion Board
and The Return of Koresh Discussion Board. As Time progresses,
I will try to add a summary comment to each Sermon as to content,
as I did on the Mt. Carmel Discussion Board. Sermons marked (TEST)
may not work at this time, if not, please be patient as I resolve
technical issues. Also as time passes, I would like to build a page for each
of these sermons, highlighting the audio sermon at the top, followed
by a scripture index used throughout the sermon, followed by a transcript
of the same. This may take a while, so please visit from time to time to
see how I am getting along with it.

February 24, 2008
Welcome to the Voice of Fire Podcast.
This site is dedicated to furthering the message of
David Koresh born Vernon Howell August 17,1959-April 19,1993.
From this time forward February 24,2008...at least for a time, I shall strive
to place a different sermon on here periodically...likely weekly.
You should copy them as you have opportunity as I do not
Promise to post all of those in my collection and I do not
know how long I shall do such nor if posted sermons
will be re-posted at a later time.

Thank You,

"JUDGE WHAT I SAY" by David Koresh
part A, April 2, 1985

part B, April 2, 1985

"Seven Eyes" by David Koresh

What do you think Christ will look like in Heaven? If I told you he is described
as a rock with seven eyes, would you believe me?
Good stuff in this one.
"Seven Eyes" from Feb 4, 1985 that I have, This one will be shorter than most.
part A,

part B,

"The Sabbath" by David Koresh
part A,

part B,

part C,

part D,

"The Shaking" by David Koresh

Pentecost is just one of the topics covered in this sermon. It was presented in a timely fashion of the Spirit as the subject had been much discussed on the Mt. Carmel Disucussion board for quite some time prior, begginning with or about a post entitled "Calendar Confusion."
part A,

part B,

part C,

part D,

"The Assyrians" by David Koresh

In This Sermon, David compares America to Ancient Assyria. Side 2 is very poor quality. It is 50 minutes long each side, and you can make side 2 out, but it took me nearly an hour and a half to do so, as the volume is very low. I can tell you that Side two is crucial to understanding the content of side one. David Presents things in a fashion which is meant to shock the senses, to provoke people to think. The explanation to a great many of David's statements in side one, are not offered until side two. But the message is a pertinent one to understanding that America is Modern Assyria, by virtue of all the characteristics of the Assyrian as he is described in scripture in various places in different timelines in history. More importantly is one of the final statements which cite "so then anybody who does not heed the voice of inspiration is the Assyrian."

part A,

part B,

"Feelings" by David Koresh
part A,

part B,

"The Bird" by David Koresh

ok, this sermon is presented as I have it on tape. The tape is not marked side A or side B. It does have a label on one side, the side presented here as B. It is presented here as B, because both sides of the tape, pick up on a conversation in progress and both sides of the tape end abruptly. There is obviously missing portions at the beginning and end of the sermon, and one spot like wise about the middle. Take note that during the first five minutes of what is presented as Part A here, David notes the Book of Solomon from a seemingly prophtetic connotation. Though he doesn't read from it or speak an actual verse in the message, I note Chapter 2 of the book of Solomon, in reference to one who is commanded to awaken, to "Rise" and the mention of one calling for the Voice of singing from a Bird.

I present side B as such, due to listening to the tape repeatedly and it seems in context of the overall tape, the end of the side I present as B, seems correct by virtue of David seemingly Summing up the presentation, at the end of that side rather than introducing the same. It may be that it actually was side A, but the ideas at the onset of each side are independant than those of the content at the end of the opposite side, and all the content seems related to the same subject. Hence it is as it is. Perhaps Livingstone may recall the sermon, or another one of the Survivors to place it in better context. But after listening to it, I think you will agree, in event, he does seem to be offering a Summation of the contents of the tape at the end of the side I have listed as Part B, but was originally the side on the tape given me, with the label upon it with the name of the Sermon and the author, though not labled as Part A or Part B. The Subject of it's Namesake however, is not directly mentioned until the Beginning of Part B. Listen to them in either order you like, I don't think it will make much difference, the message will be the same, as not point is omitted by virtue of this presentation, and while the name of Tape seems to be most noted as evidenced by the Label, it seems to be a prevalent point, but one of many outlined by David at the end of the Unlabled side, the side Presented here as Side B.

Mark your Bibles at Daniel Chapter 11, Isaiah chp 2, Michah chp 4, Revelations Chps 6 and 8. and Ecclesiastes chp 12. Most of the Scripture is presented here. Likewise, when you are through, you may wish to paralell some the events in Ecclesiates 12 with Chap 2 of The Song of Solomon.

part A,

part B,

"Confusion" by David Koresh July, 18, 1987

The fact that the Name of Christ was actually Yeshua is discussed in this study and David shows from Scripture where such was prophesied in the Old Testament, that is where it was prophecied that the world would cast the Name of God to the Ground, as they did with Yeshua Ben Yosef, when they changed his name in the middle ages to Jesus Christ.

part A,

part B,

part C,

part D,

"Ezekiel 21" by David Koresh October 19, 1984.

The subject is Ezekiel 21. In this sermon, David points out many interesting aspects about the modern application of Scripture to our world today, emphasizing that America is now representative of Israel. He goes into great detail about certain aspects of the ceremonial law as they apply to this lesson.

part A,

part B,

"The Root of Jesse" by David Koresh
part A,

"Psalms 68 and Isaiah 42" by David Koresh

In this Sermon David Opens, discussion symbolic references to
Pentecost in the old testament.

part A,

part B,

"Ezekiel 47" by David Koresh 11/11/1984

This sermon starts off talking about the loud cry. In it, David goes on to talk about the 144,000 ...those who would follow his ministry...those in this world now, at this time, in relation to the experience as it would be shared by Those at Mount Carmel as the sermon was preached in 1984, and those whom would come behind...the "Waiv Sheaf" and other pertinent information which is key to understanding the times we now live in. Take note of his comments on keeping the Passover as you listen. part A,

part B,

"What is Truth" by David Koresh
UPDATED MAY 9, 2009 (Previously Unavailable) It Should be noted that ALL of these should be soon, or ALREADY are now, currently available on THE MT. CARMEL DB. This one was originally presented on The Mt. Carmel DB as part of a Sabbath Study and has not been available here until Now. Likewise, upon the page passing, has not been available on The Mt. Carmel DB for sometime as well.
In Part A, David opens by addressing the Purpose for this Study, was because in various movements, but especially the SDA, were those rising, to proclaim to have a Special Message for God's People. This is especially important in lieu of recent events, and we see David Outlines the various responses of those people exposed to God's Messengers, and those who both accept and reject the message. The audio quality on this one, is not the best, but it is clear, you can hear ok, but there is a "ECHO of Hollow" which plays like Thunder continually as You listen. My Apologies for this. I will try to get a better copy in the future, but for now, this is the best copy I have to offer. The Content of this is however, VERY Important and therefore worthy of listening too, even if you have to put up with the "Echo of Hollow." IT is not as bad on Part B. And I need to go back and check to see if there is more to SIDE A as here there is only a little more than 6 minutes.
In Part B, David Details the Identity of "THE ANGEL FROM THE EAST" and "THE 4 SEALING ANGELS" and he
goes into detail about 'THE SEVEN THUNDERS' who utter thier voices. Then He gets into explaining What certain Symbols in Revelation Actually teach. In This Study, David Concerns us Primarily to
Examine Specifically the 6th Trump, during the 6th Seal.

Part A


"California Study" by David Koresh
part A,

UPDATED MAY 9, 2009 (Previously Unavailable) It Should be noted that ALL of these should be soon, or ALREADY are now, currently available on THE MT. CARMEL DB. "A Letter to Steve Shcneider and the Wisconsin Brethren" by David Koresh

In this message, David Opens discussing the Angel who comes from heaven to the earth to deliver a message...(Rev 10) He discusses the Little Book... And he discusses Seven Thunders... In Part B David Koresh, speaks of The Daily being taken away, The King of the North and the sign of the Lords coming...I reccomend you listen to all of this message...and emphasize you take particular note to Part B.... David speaks "THERE IS A FAMINE IN THE LAND"...the Army of Micheal is discussed..."Sound an Alarm (Shofar) in my Holy Mountain..." You need to pay close attention to this message...

"Here is the Key...Whatever the mystery MAY OR MAY NOT BE...is found in the Writings of the Prophets BECUASE God has declared to them..."
-David Koresh

speaking on the Mystery of God which is declared by the Angel of Revelations 10
Part A Approx 6min 35 sec thru 6 min 44 sec.
David Details the Rise of Micheal, and the ARMY OF JOEL CHAPTER 2. He goes into Great Detail about
the day of the Lord, noting that "ALL OF THE PROPHETS SPOKE ABOUT THIS ARMY DIDN'T THEY?"
And he speaks of something that will happen that has NEVER HAPPENDED BEFORE...THE STARS AND THE SUN
and THE MOON, will be darkened. Passages in this correlate to Daniel 11, Joel 2, and information in the
sermon "THE BIRD." part A,

"A Letter to Steve Shcneider and the Wisconsin Brethren"

"A Letter to Austrailia" by David Koresh
part A,

part B,

"Enter Into Rest: Seventh Angel" by David Koresh

This sermon is from January 30, 1985. David Is Preaching from Jerusalem in
Israel, I don't who all is with him, but he does mention his wife Rachel in the
opening...she is certainly there in the timeframe. This sermon is not on the
CD-Rom given out by Catherine Matteson at the memorial some years ago.

part A,

part B,

"The Seventh Angels Message" by David Koresh

part A,

IN Part "A" here, David declares that a Waiv Sheaf will be taken from each denomination, that there are righteous souls in all denominations, and that God is not going to hold some of them accountable in thier ignorance because thier leaders failed to teach them the deeper truths of prophecy. But he also adds a stern warning about those who would reject new light as it is offered to them, to reject the truth when it is presented.

part B,

part C,

part D,

UPDATED MAY 9, 2009 (Previously Unavailable) It Should be noted that ALL of these should be soon, or ALREADY are now, currently available on THE MT. CARMEL DB. "58 Minute Radio Sermon" by David Koresh

AVAILABLE AT BDSDA.COM, just click the link at the bottom of the page.

This is an audio sermon by David Koresh released to the world and meant to be broadcast nationally during the 51 day siege of Mt. Carmel. ,

This is the first of the audio sermons made available to the general public by David Koresh and the Branch Davidian Community. At the time of it's making, it was a State Of The World Address from God's servant to the world. This was available on the BDSDA page for a time, and has since been removed. Likewise some sermons here were made available on the Mt. Carmel DB, and the posts also passed with time. It Should be noted that ALL of these should be soon, or ALREADY are now, currently available on THE MT. CARMEL DB.

"Jonah" by David Koresh
part A,

part B,

MT. Carmel Library Video Link
This is Link to Mt. Carmel's List of various Documentaries and such
some of which containing infomation the U.S. Government tried to
keep from the American Public, and hence at least one A&E documentary
now available on the net has banned from American broadcast T.V. Airways..."Waco:A New Revelation part 2"

Additional Links

Violent Hope
Mt. Carmel Library Discussion Board

Play these Songs HERE:
Song:"Sheshonahim" as sung by David Koresh
from the sermon "Voice of Fire"

Song:"Book Of Daniel" as sung by David Koresh
from the sermon "Voice of Fire"

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See the top of this page for links!

Visit the links at the top of this Page for
A list of Mp3 Downloads of these and other song
Sung by David Koresh!
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